About Me
One career in "The Thick of It;"
- My inspiration in launching GovCom came from experience gained in a decade as the Executive Director of Strategic Communications for the NSW Government, working with 5 state Premiers.
- As the Head of the GovCom Group, I provide consultancy support and high quality communications and strategy solutions for public sector and corporate clients.
- In the last decade I have been engaged by some of Australia's largest organisations, including major Government Departments across three states, Tik Tok Australia, the Brisbane Airport Corporation and Queensland Airports and advertising and media firms including Carat, George Patterson Y&R, The Publicis Group and TrinityP3 on projects ranging from communications, research and strategy work to wholesale digital transformation projects and even organisational restructures.
- In addition, with a foot firmly in both camps, I’ve assisted private sector companies in winning business from Government while also helping public sector organisations to build powerful and long lasting commercial partnerships.
- As a writer, I’ve been engaged on several highly sensitive reports for both Government and senior professional bodies. While much of my work is confidential in nature, many of my clients have been kind enough to write testimonials here.
Another career in words and pictures
- The skills I call on for running GovCom often include some of my experiences in 20 years in the global publishing industry.
- Successes include winning awards for launching magazines like FHM and OK! In Australia and building a ‘first of its kind’ government hub for the WPP group. In Government, I worked on some of the most successful behavioural change campaigns of recent years and played a part in the successful launch of Service NSW.
- While my engagements nowadays often come directly from CEO’s and their boards, I’m equally happy being hands on with the Comms team, digging through the research to unearth the best mix of channels and exactly the right words, illustrations and pictures. After (ahem) something approaching 40 years doing this stuff, I remain passionate about finding ways to do things better, sometimes through using clever tech solutions, but always by putting the needs of the customer and end user first.
- I’m rarely lost for words. I provide access to the highest quality advice and support services that people need, via the channel they choose, regardless of where they live.